Source code for torchbearer.callbacks.imaging.inside_cnns

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torchbearer
from . import imaging, once_per_epoch

_inside_cnns = """
  title={Deep inside convolutional networks: Visualising image classification models and saliency maps},
  author={Simonyan, Karen and Vedaldi, Andrea and Zisserman, Andrew},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6034},

RANDOM = -10

class _CAMWrapper(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, base_model):
        super(_CAMWrapper, self).__init__()
        self.base_model = base_model
        input_image = torch.zeros(input_size)

        self.input_batch = nn.Parameter(input_image.unsqueeze(0), requires_grad=True)

    def forward(self, _, state):
            return self.base_model(self.input_batch, state)
        except TypeError:
            return self.base_model(self.input_batch)

def _cam_loss(key, to_prob, targets_hot, decay):
    def loss(state):
        img = state[torchbearer.MODEL].input_batch
        return - to_prob(torch.masked_select(state[key], targets_hot)).sum() + decay * img.pow(2).sum()
    return loss

[docs]@torchbearer.cite(_inside_cnns) class ClassAppearanceModel(imaging.ImagingCallback): """The :class:`.ClassAppearanceModel` callback implements Figure 1 from `Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps <>`_. This is a simple gradient ascent on an image (initialised to zero) with a sum-squares regularizer. Internally this creates a new :class:`.Trial` instance which then performs the optimization. Args: nclasses (int): The number of output classes input_size (tuple): The size to use for the input image optimizer_factory: A function of parameters which returns an optimizer to use logit_key (StateKey): :class:`.StateKey` storing the class logits prob_key (StateKey): :class:`.StateKey` storing the class probabilities or None if using logits target (int): Target class for the optimisation or RANDOM steps (int): Number of optimisation steps to take decay (float): Lambda for the L2 decay on the image verbose (int): Verbosity level to pass to the internal :class:`.Trial` instance transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a Tensor and returns a transformed version. This will be applied to the image before it is sent to output """ def __init__(self, nclasses, input_size, optimizer_factory=lambda params: optim.SGD(params, lr=2), steps=1024, logit_key=torchbearer.PREDICTION, prob_key=None, target=RANDOM, decay=0.001, verbose=0, transform=None): super(ClassAppearanceModel, self).__init__(transform=transform) self.nclasses = nclasses self.input_size = input_size self.optimizer_factory = optimizer_factory self.logit_key = logit_key self.prob_key = prob_key = target self.steps = steps self.decay = decay self.verbose = verbose self._target_keys = []
[docs] def target_to_key(self, key): self._target_keys.append(key) return self
def _targets_hot(self, state): targets = torch.randint(high=self.nclasses, size=(1, 1)).long().to(state[torchbearer.DEVICE]) if is not RANDOM: targets[0][0] = for key in self._target_keys: state[key] = targets targets_hot = torch.zeros(1, self.nclasses).to(state[torchbearer.DEVICE]) targets_hot.scatter_(1, targets, 1) targets_hot = return targets_hot @torchbearer.enable_grad() @once_per_epoch def on_batch(self, state): training = state[torchbearer.MODEL].training state[torchbearer.MODEL].eval() targets_hot = self._targets_hot(state) to_prob = (lambda x: x.exp()) if self.prob_key is None else (lambda x: x) key = self.logit_key if self.prob_key is None else self.prob_key model = _CAMWrapper(self.input_size, state[torchbearer.MODEL]) trial = torchbearer.Trial(model, self.optimizer_factory(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, [model.input_batch])), _cam_loss(key, to_prob, targets_hot, self.decay)) trial.for_train_steps(self.steps).to(state[torchbearer.DEVICE], state[torchbearer.DATA_TYPE]) if training: state[torchbearer.MODEL].train() return model.input_batch.squeeze(0)