Source code for torchbearer.metrics.roc_auc_score

from torchbearer import metrics

import sklearn.metrics
import numpy as np

[docs]@metrics.default_for_key('roc_auc') @metrics.default_for_key('roc_auc_score') class RocAucScore(metrics.EpochLambda): """Area Under ROC curve metric. .. note:: Requires :mod:`sklearn.metrics`. :param one_hot_labels: If True, convert the labels to a one hot encoding. Required if they are not already. :type one_hot_labels: bool :param one_hot_offset: Subtracted from class labels, use if not already zero based. :type one_hot_offset: int :param one_hot_classes: Number of classes for the one hot encoding. :type one_hot_classes: int """ def __init__(self, one_hot_labels=True, one_hot_offset=0, one_hot_classes=10): def to_categorical(y): return np.eye(one_hot_classes, dtype='uint8')[y - one_hot_offset] if one_hot_labels: process = to_categorical else: process = lambda y: y super().__init__('roc_auc_score', lambda y_pred, y_true: sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(process(y_true.cpu().numpy()), y_pred.cpu().numpy()))