Source code for torchbearer.callbacks.tensor_board

import copy

import torchvision.utils as utils

from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

import torch.nn.functional as F

import torchbearer

from torchbearer.callbacks import Callback

import os

import torch

[docs]class TensorBoard(Callback): """The TensorBoard callback is used to write metric graphs to tensorboard. Requires the TensorboardX library for python. """ def __init__(self, log_dir='./logs', write_graph=True, write_batch_metrics=False, batch_step_size=10, write_epoch_metrics=True, comment='torchbearer'): """TensorBoard callback which writes metrics to the given log directory. :param log_dir: The tensorboard log path for output :type log_dir: str :param write_graph: If True, the model graph will be written using the TensorboardX library :type write_graph: bool :param write_batch_metrics: If True, batch metrics will be written :type write_batch_metrics: bool :param batch_step_size: The step size to use when writing batch metrics, make this larger to reduce latency :type batch_step_size: int :param write_epoch_metrics: If True, metrics from the end of the epoch will be written :type write_epoch_metrics: True :param comment: Descriptive comment to append to path :type comment: str """ super(TensorBoard, self).__init__() self.log_dir = log_dir self.write_graph = write_graph self.write_batch_metrics = write_batch_metrics self.batch_step_size = batch_step_size self.write_epoch_metrics = write_epoch_metrics self.comment = comment if self.write_graph: def handle_graph(state): dummy = torch.rand(state[torchbearer.X].size(), requires_grad=False) model = copy.deepcopy(state[torchbearer.MODEL]).to('cpu') self._writer.add_graph(model, (dummy, )) self._handle_graph = lambda _: ... self._handle_graph = handle_graph else: self._handle_graph = lambda _: ... self._writer = None self._batch_writer = None
[docs] def on_start(self, state): self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, state[torchbearer.MODEL].__class__.__name__ + '_' + self.comment) self._writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=self.log_dir)
[docs] def on_start_epoch(self, state): if self.write_batch_metrics: log_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, 'epoch-' + str(state[torchbearer.EPOCH])) self._batch_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir)
[docs] def on_end(self, state): self._writer.close()
[docs] def on_sample(self, state): self._handle_graph(state)
[docs] def on_step_training(self, state): if self.write_batch_metrics and state[torchbearer.BATCH] % self.batch_step_size == 0: for metric in state[torchbearer.METRICS]: self._batch_writer.add_scalar('batch/' + metric, state[torchbearer.METRICS][metric], state[torchbearer.BATCH])
[docs] def on_step_validation(self, state): if self.write_batch_metrics and state[torchbearer.BATCH] % self.batch_step_size == 0: for metric in state[torchbearer.METRICS]: self._batch_writer.add_scalar('batch/' + metric, state[torchbearer.METRICS][metric], state[torchbearer.BATCH])
[docs] def on_end_epoch(self, state): if self.write_batch_metrics: self._batch_writer.close() if self.write_epoch_metrics: for metric in state[torchbearer.METRICS]: self._writer.add_scalar('epoch/' + metric, state[torchbearer.METRICS][metric], state[torchbearer.EPOCH])
[docs]class TensorBoardImages(Callback): """The TensorBoardImages callback will write a selection of images from the validation pass to tensorboard using the TensorboardX library and torchvision.utils.make_grid """ def __init__(self, log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer', name='Image', key=torchbearer.Y_PRED, write_each_epoch=True, num_images=16, nrow=8, padding=2, normalize=False, range=None, scale_each=False, pad_value=0): """Create TensorBoardImages callback which writes images from the given key to the given path. Full name of image sub directory will be model name + _ + comment. :param log_dir: The tensorboard log path for output :type log_dir: str :param comment: Descriptive comment to append to path :type comment: str :param name: The name of the image :type name: str :param key: The key in state containing image data (tensor of size [c, w, h] or [b, c, w, h]) :type key: str :param write_each_epoch: If True, write data on every epoch, else write only for the first epoch. :type write_each_epoch: bool :param num_images: The number of images to write :type num_images: int :param nrow: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` :param padding: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` :param normalize: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` :param range: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` :param scale_each: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` :param pad_value: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid` """ self.log_dir = log_dir self.comment = comment = name self.key = key self.write_each_epoch = write_each_epoch self.num_images = num_images self.nrow = nrow self.padding = padding self.normalize = normalize self.range = range self.scale_each = scale_each self.pad_value = pad_value self._writer = None self._data = None self.done = False
[docs] def on_start(self, state): log_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, state[torchbearer.MODEL].__class__.__name__ + '_' + self.comment) self._writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir)
[docs] def on_step_validation(self, state): if not self.done: data = state[self.key].clone() if len(data.size()) == 3: data = data.unsqueeze(1) if self._data is None: remaining = self.num_images if self.num_images < data.size(0) else data.size(0) self._data = data[:remaining].to('cpu') else: remaining = self.num_images - self._data.size(0) if remaining > data.size(0): remaining = data.size(0) self._data =, data[:remaining].to('cpu')), dim=0) if self._data.size(0) >= self.num_images: image = utils.make_grid( self._data, nrow=self.nrow, padding=self.padding, normalize=self.normalize, range=self.range, scale_each=self.scale_each, pad_value=self.pad_value ) self._writer.add_image(, image, state[torchbearer.EPOCH]) self.done = True self._data = None
[docs] def on_end_epoch(self, state): if self.write_each_epoch: self.done = False
[docs] def on_end(self, state): self._writer.close()
[docs]class TensorBoardProjector(Callback): """The TensorBoardProjector callback is used to write images from the validation pass to Tensorboard using the TensorboardX library. """ def __init__(self, log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer', num_images=100, avg_pool_size=1, avg_data_channels=True, write_data=True, write_features=True, features_key=torchbearer.Y_PRED): """Construct a TensorBoardProjector callback which writes images to the given directory and, if required, associated features. :param log_dir: The tensorboard log path for output :type log_dir: str :param comment: Descriptive comment to append to path :type comment: str :param num_images: The number of images to write :type num_images: int :param avg_pool_size: Size of the average pool to perform on the image. This is recommended to reduce the overall image sizes and improve latency :type avg_pool_size: int :param avg_data_channels: If True, the image data will be averaged in the channel dimension :type avg_data_channels: bool :param write_data: If True, the raw data will be written as an embedding :type write_data: bool :param write_features: If True, the image features will be written as an embedding :type write_features: bool :param features_key: The key in state to use for the embedding. Typically model output but can be used to show features from any layer of the model. :type features_key: str """ self.log_dir = log_dir self.comment = comment self.num_images = num_images self.avg_pool_size = avg_pool_size self.avg_data_channels = avg_data_channels self.write_data = write_data self.write_features = write_features self.features_key = features_key self._writer = None self.done = False
[docs] def on_start(self, state): log_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, state[torchbearer.MODEL].__class__.__name__ + '_' + self.comment) self._writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_dir)
[docs] def on_step_validation(self, state): if not self.done: x = state[torchbearer.X].data.clone() if len(x.size()) == 3: x = x.unsqueeze(1) x = F.avg_pool2d(x, self.avg_pool_size).data data = None if state[torchbearer.EPOCH] == 0 and self.write_data: if self.avg_data_channels: data = torch.mean(x, 1) else: data = x data = data.view(data.size(0), -1) feature = None if self.write_features: feature = state[self.features_key].data.clone() feature = feature.view(feature.size(0), -1) label = state[torchbearer.Y_TRUE].data.clone() if state[torchbearer.BATCH] == 0: remaining = self.num_images if self.num_images < label.size(0) else label.size(0) self._images = x[:remaining].to('cpu') self._labels = label[:remaining].to('cpu') if data is not None: self._data = data[:remaining].to('cpu') if feature is not None: self._features = feature[:remaining].to('cpu') else: remaining = self.num_images - self._labels.size(0) if remaining > label.size(0): remaining = label.size(0) self._images =, x[:remaining].to('cpu')), dim=0) self._labels =, label[:remaining].to('cpu')), dim=0) if data is not None: self._data =, data[:remaining].to('cpu')), dim=0) if feature is not None: self._features =, feature[:remaining].to('cpu')), dim=0) if self._labels.size(0) >= self.num_images: if state[torchbearer.EPOCH] == 0 and self.write_data: self._writer.add_embedding(self._data, metadata=self._labels, label_img=self._images, tag='data', global_step=-1) if self.write_features: self._writer.add_embedding(self._features, metadata=self._labels, label_img=self._images, tag='features', global_step=state[torchbearer.EPOCH]) self.done = True
[docs] def on_end_epoch(self, state): if self.write_features: self.done = False
[docs] def on_end(self, state): self._writer.close()