Source code for torchbearer.callbacks.printer

from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial

from tqdm import tqdm

import torchbearer
from torchbearer.callbacks import Callback

def _format_metrics(metrics, rounder):
    # Adapted from
    postfix = OrderedDict([])
    for key in sorted(metrics.keys()):
        postfix[key] = metrics[key]

    for key in postfix.keys():
            postfix[key] = str(rounder(postfix[key]))
        except TypeError:
                postfix[key] = str(list(map(rounder, postfix[key])))
            except TypeError:
                postfix[key] = str(postfix[key])
    postfix = ', '.join(key + '=' + postfix[key].strip() for key in postfix.keys())
    return postfix

[docs] class ConsolePrinter(Callback): """The ConsolePrinter callback simply outputs the training metrics to the console. Example: :: >>> import torch.nn >>> from torchbearer import Trial >>> from torchbearer.callbacks import ConsolePrinter # Example Trial which forgoes the usual printer for a console printer >>> printer = ConsolePrinter() >>> trial = Trial(None, callbacks=[printer], verbose=0).for_steps(1).run() 0/1(t): Args: validation_label_letter (str): This is the letter displayed after the epoch number indicating the current phase of training precision (int): Precision of the number format in decimal places State Requirements: - :attr:`torchbearer.state.EPOCH`: The current epoch number - :attr:`torchbearer.state.MAX_EPOCHS`: The total number of epochs for this run - :attr:`torchbearer.state.BATCH`: The current batch / iteration number - :attr:`torchbearer.state.STEPS`: The total number of steps / batches / iterations for this epoch - :attr:`torchbearer.state.METRICS`: The metrics dict to print """ def __init__(self, validation_label_letter='v', precision=4): super(ConsolePrinter, self).__init__() self.validation_label = validation_label_letter self.rounder = partial(round, ndigits=precision) def _step(self, state, letter, steps): epoch_str = '{:d}/{:d}({:s}): '.format(state[torchbearer.EPOCH], state[torchbearer.MAX_EPOCHS], letter) batch_str = '{:d}/{:d} '.format(state[torchbearer.BATCH], steps) stats_str = _format_metrics(state[torchbearer.METRICS], self.rounder) print('\r' + epoch_str + batch_str + stats_str, end='') def _end(self, state, letter): epoch_str = '{:d}/{:d}({:s}): '.format(state[torchbearer.EPOCH], state[torchbearer.MAX_EPOCHS], letter) stats_str = _format_metrics(state[torchbearer.METRICS], self.rounder) print('\r' + epoch_str + stats_str)
[docs] def on_step_training(self, state): self._step(state, 't', state[torchbearer.STEPS])
[docs] def on_end_training(self, state): self._end(state, 't')
[docs] def on_step_validation(self, state): self._step(state, self.validation_label, state[torchbearer.STEPS])
[docs] def on_end_validation(self, state): self._end(state, self.validation_label)
[docs] class Tqdm(Callback): """The Tqdm callback outputs the progress and metrics for training and validation loops to the console using TQDM. The given key is used to label validation output. Example: :: >>> import torch.nn >>> from torchbearer import Trial >>> from torchbearer.callbacks import Tqdm # Example Trial which forgoes the usual printer for a customised tqdm printer. >>> printer = Tqdm(precision=8) # Note that outputs are written to stderr, not stdout as shown in this example >>> trial = Trial(None, callbacks=[printer], verbose=0).for_steps(1).run(1) 0/1(t): 100%|...| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 29.40it/s] Args: tqdm_module: The tqdm module to use. If none, defaults to tqdm or tqdm_notebook if in notebook validation_label_letter (str): The letter to use for validation outputs. precision (int): Precision of the number format in decimal places on_epoch (bool): If True, output a single progress bar which tracks epochs tqdm_args: Any extra keyword args provided here will be passed through to the tqdm module constructor. See ` <>`_ for more details. State Requirements: - :attr:`torchbearer.state.EPOCH`: The current epoch number - :attr:`torchbearer.state.MAX_EPOCHS`: The total number of epochs for this run - :attr:`torchbearer.state.STEPS`: The total number of steps / batches / iterations for this epoch - :attr:`torchbearer.state.METRICS`: The metrics dict to print - :attr:`torchbearer.state.HISTORY`: The history of the :class:`.Trial` object """ def __init__(self, tqdm_module=None, validation_label_letter='v', precision=4, on_epoch=False, **tqdm_args): if torchbearer.magics.is_notebook() and tqdm_module is None: from tqdm import tqdm_notebook self.tqdm_module = tqdm_notebook else: self.tqdm_module = tqdm if tqdm_module is None else tqdm_module self._loader = None self.validation_label = validation_label_letter self.rounder = partial(round, ndigits=precision) self._on_epoch = on_epoch self.tqdm_args = tqdm_args def _on_start(self, state, letter): bar_desc = '{:d}/{:d}({:s})'.format(state[torchbearer.EPOCH], state[torchbearer.MAX_EPOCHS], letter) self._loader = self.tqdm_module(total=state[torchbearer.STEPS], desc=bar_desc, **self.tqdm_args) def _update(self, state): self._loader.update(1) self._loader.set_postfix_str(_format_metrics(state[torchbearer.METRICS], self.rounder)) def _close(self, state): self._loader.set_postfix_str(_format_metrics(state[torchbearer.METRICS], self.rounder)) self._loader.close()
[docs] def on_start(self, state): if self._on_epoch: n = len(state[torchbearer.HISTORY]) self._loader = self.tqdm_module(initial=n, total=state[torchbearer.MAX_EPOCHS], **self.tqdm_args) if n > 0: metrics = dict(state[torchbearer.HISTORY][-1]) try: del metrics[str(torchbearer.TRAIN_STEPS)] except KeyError: pass try: del metrics[str(torchbearer.VALIDATION_STEPS)] except KeyError: pass state[torchbearer.METRICS] = metrics self._update(state)
[docs] def on_end_epoch(self, state): if self._on_epoch: self._update(state)
[docs] def on_end(self, state): if self._on_epoch: self._close(state)
[docs] def on_start_training(self, state): """Initialise the TQDM bar for this training phase. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._on_start(state, 't')
[docs] def on_step_training(self, state): """Update the bar with the metrics from this step. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._update(state)
[docs] def on_end_training(self, state): """Update the bar with the terminal training metrics and then close. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._close(state)
[docs] def on_start_validation(self, state): """Initialise the TQDM bar for this validation phase. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._on_start(state, self.validation_label)
[docs] def on_step_validation(self, state): """Update the bar with the metrics from this step. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._update(state)
[docs] def on_end_validation(self, state): """Update the bar with the terminal validation metrics and then close. Args: state (dict): The :class:`.Trial` state """ if not self._on_epoch: self._close(state)