import torchbearer
from torchbearer import Callback
import torch
def _to_file(filename):
from PIL import Image
def handler(image, index, model_state):
state = {}
string_state = {str(key): state[key] for key in state.keys()}
ndarr = image.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).byte().permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()
im = Image.fromarray(ndarr), **string_state))
return handler
def _to_pyplot(title=None, show=True):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def handler(image, index, _):
ndarr = image.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).byte().permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()
if title is not None:
if show:
return handler
def _to_tensorboard(name='Image', log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer'):
import torchbearer.callbacks.tensor_board as tb
import os
log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, comment)
def handler(image, index, state):
writer = tb.get_writer(log_dir, _to_tensorboard)
writer.add_image(name.format(index=str(index)), image.clamp(0, 1), state[torchbearer.EPOCH])
tb.close_writer(log_dir, _to_tensorboard)
return handler
def _to_visdom(name='Image', log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer', visdom_params=None):
import torchbearer.callbacks.tensor_board as tb
import os
log_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, comment)
def handler(image, index, state):
writer = tb.get_writer(log_dir, _to_visdom, visdom=True, visdom_params=visdom_params)
writer.add_image(name.format(index=str(index)) + '_' + str(state[torchbearer.EPOCH]), image.clamp(0, 1), state[torchbearer.EPOCH])
tb.close_writer(log_dir, _to_visdom)
return handler
def _cache_images(num_images):
cache = {'images': None, 'done': False}
def decorator(fun):
def step(state):
if state[torchbearer.BATCH] == 0:
cache['done'] = False
if not cache['done']:
data = fun(state)
if cache['images'] is None:
remaining = num_images if num_images < data.size(0) else data.size(0)
cache['images'] = data[:remaining]
remaining = num_images - cache['images'].size(0)
if remaining > data.size(0):
remaining = data.size(0)
cache['images'] =['images'], data[:remaining]), dim=0)
if cache['images'].size(0) >= num_images:
res = cache['images']
cache['done'] = True
cache['images'] = None
return res
return step
return decorator
class ImagingCallback(Callback):
"""The :class:`ImagingCallback` provides a generic interface for callbacks which yield images that should be sent to
a file, tensorboard, visdom etc. without needing bespoke code. This allows the user to easily define custom
visualisations by only writing the code to produce the image.
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a Tensor and returns a transformed version.
This will be applied to the image before it is sent to output.
def __init__(self, transform=None):
self._handlers = []
self.transform = (lambda img: img) if transform is None else transform
def on_batch(self, state):
raise NotImplementedError
def process(self, state):
img = self.on_batch(state)
if img is not None:
img = self.transform(img)
for handler, index in self._handlers:
if img.dim() == 3:
img = img.unsqueeze(0)
rng = range(img.size(0)) if index is None else index
for i in rng:
handler(img[i], i, state)
except TypeError:
handler(img[rng], rng, state)
def on_train(self):
"""Process this callback for training batches
ImagingCallback: self
_old_step_training = self.on_step_training
def wrapper(state):
self.on_step_training = wrapper
return self
def on_val(self):
"""Process this callback for validation batches
ImagingCallback: self
_old_step_validation = self.on_step_validation
def wrapper(state):
if state[torchbearer.DATA] is torchbearer.VALIDATION_DATA:
self.on_step_validation = wrapper
return self
def on_test(self):
"""Process this callback for test batches
ImagingCallback: self
_old_step_validation = self.on_step_validation
def wrapper(state):
if state[torchbearer.DATA] is torchbearer.TEST_DATA:
self.on_step_validation = wrapper
return self
def with_handler(self, handler, index=None):
"""Append the given output handler to the list of handlers
handler: A function of image and state which stores the given image in some way
index (int or list or None): If not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
self._handlers.append((handler, index))
return self
def to_file(self, filename, index=None):
"""Send images from this callback to the given file
filename (str): The filename to store the image to
index (int or list or None): If not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
return self.with_handler(_to_file(filename), index=index)
def to_pyplot(self, title=None, show=True, index=None):
"""Show images from this callback with pyplot
title (str or None): If not None, plt.title will be called with the given string
show (bool): If True (default), show will be called after each image is plotted
index (int or list or None): If not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
return self.with_handler(_to_pyplot(title=title, show=show), index=index)
def to_state(self, keys, index=None):
"""Put images from this callback in state with the given key
keys (StateKey or list[StateKey]): The state key or keys to use for the images
index (int or list or None): If not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
if str(keys) == keys:
keys = [keys]
_ = (key for key in keys)
except TypeError:
keys = [keys]
def handler(img, i, state):
state[keys[i]] = img
return self.with_handler(handler, index=index)
def to_tensorboard(self, name='Image', log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer', index=None):
"""Direct images from this callback to tensorboard with the given parameters
name (str): The name of the image
log_dir (str): The tensorboard log path for output
comment (str): Descriptive comment to append to path
index (int or list or None): if not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
return self.with_handler(_to_tensorboard(name=name, log_dir=log_dir, comment=comment), index=index)
def to_visdom(self, name='Image', log_dir='./logs', comment='torchbearer', visdom_params=None, index=None):
"""Direct images from this callback to visdom with the given parameters
name (str): The name of the image
log_dir (str): The visdom log path for output
comment (str): Descriptive comment to append to path
visdom_params (:class:`.VisdomParams`): Visdom parameter settings object, uses default if None
index (int or list or None): if not None, only apply the handler on this index / list of indices
ImagingCallback: self
return self.with_handler(_to_visdom(name=name, log_dir=log_dir, comment=comment, visdom_params=visdom_params), index=index)
def cache(self, num_images):
"""Cache images **before** they are passed to handlers. Once per epoch, a single cache will be returned,
containing the first `num_images` to be returned.
num_images (int): The number of images to cache
ImagingCallback: self
self.on_batch = _cache_images(num_images)(self.on_batch)
return self
def make_grid(self, nrow=8, padding=2, normalize=False, norm_range=None, scale_each=False, pad_value=0):
"""Use `torchvision.utils.make_grid` to make a grid of the images being returned by this callback. Recommended
for use alongside `cache`.
nrow: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
padding: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
normalize: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
norm_range: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
scale_each: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
pad_value: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
ImagingCallback: self
import torchvision.utils as utils
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(state):
cache = func(state)
if cache is not None:
return utils.make_grid(cache, nrow=nrow, padding=padding, normalize=normalize, range=norm_range,
scale_each=scale_each, pad_value=pad_value)
return wrapper
self.on_batch = decorator(self.on_batch)
return self
class FromState(ImagingCallback):
"""The :class:`FromState` callback is an :class:`ImagingCallback` which retrieves and image from state when called.
The number of times the function is called can be controlled with a provided decorator (once_per_epoch, only_if
key (StateKey): The :class:`.StateKey` containing the image (tensor of size [c, w, h])
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a Tensor and returns a transformed version.
This will be applied to the image before it is sent to output.
decorator: A function which will be used to wrap the callback function. once_per_epoch by default
def __init__(self, key, transform=None, decorator=None):
super(FromState, self).__init__(transform=transform)
self.key = key
if decorator is not None:
self.on_batch = decorator(self.on_batch)
def on_batch(self, state):
return state[self.key]
except KeyError:
return None
class CachingImagingCallback(FromState):
"""The :class:`CachingImagingCallback` is an :class:`ImagingCallback` which caches batches of images from the given
state key up to the required amount before passing this along with state to the implementing class, once per epoch.
key (StateKey): The :class:`.StateKey` containing image data (tensor of size [b, c, w, h])
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a Tensor and returns a transformed version.
This will be applied to the image before it is sent to output.
num_images: The number of images to cache
def __init__(self,
super(CachingImagingCallback, self).__init__(key=key, transform=transform, decorator=_cache_images(num_images))
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(state):
res = func(state)
if res is not None:
return self.on_cache(res, state)
return wrapper
self.on_batch = decorator(self.on_batch)
def on_cache(self, cache, state):
"""This method should be implemented by the overriding class to return an image from the cache.
cache (tensor): The collected cache of size (num_images, C, W, H)
state (dict): The trial state dict
The processed image
raise NotImplementedError
class MakeGrid(CachingImagingCallback):
"""The :class:`MakeGrid` callback is a :class:`CachingImagingCallback` which calls make grid on the cache with the
provided parameters.
key (StateKey): The :class:`.StateKey` containing image data (tensor of size [b, c, w, h])
transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a Tensor and returns a transformed version.
This will be applied to the image before it is sent to output.
num_images: The number of images to cache
nrow: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
padding: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
normalize: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
norm_range: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
scale_each: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
pad_value: See `torchvision.utils.make_grid <>`_
def __init__(self,
super(MakeGrid, self).__init__(transform=transform, num_images=num_images, key=key)
self.key = key
self.num_images = num_images
self.nrow = nrow
self.padding = padding
self.normalize = normalize
self.norm_range = norm_range
self.scale_each = scale_each
self.pad_value = pad_value
def on_cache(self, cache, state):
import torchvision.utils as utils
return utils.make_grid(