Source code for torchbearer.state

The state is central in torchbearer, storing all of the relevant intermediate values that may be changed or replaced
during model fitting. This module defines classes for interacting with state and all of the built in state keys used
throughout torchbearer. The :func:`state_key` function can be used to create custom state keys for use in callbacks or

Example: ::

    from torchbearer import state_key
    MY_KEY = state_key('my_test_key')
from torchbearer import metrics as metrics
import warnings

__keys__ = []

[docs]def state_key(key): """Computes and returns a non-conflicting key for the state dictionary when given a seed key :param key: The seed key - basis for new state key :type key: String :return: New state key :rtype: StateKey """ return StateKey(key)
[docs]class StateKey(metrics.Metric): """ StateKey class that is a unique state key based on the input string key. State keys are also metrics which retrieve themselves from state. :param key: Base key :type key: String """ def __init__(self, key): self.key = self._gen_key_(key) super().__init__(self.key)
[docs] def process(self, state): return { state[self]}
[docs] def process_final(self, state): return { state[self]}
def _gen_key_(self, key): if key in __keys__: count = 1 my_key = key + '_' + str(count) while my_key in __keys__: count += 1 my_key = key + '_' + str(count) key = my_key __keys__.append(key) return key def __repr__(self): return self.key def __str__(self): return self.key def __eq__(self, other): return self.key == str(other) def __hash__(self): return self.key.__hash__()
[docs]class State(dict): """ State dictionary that behaves like a python dict but accepts StateKeys """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def get_key(self, statekey): if isinstance(statekey, str): warnings.warn("State was accessed with a string: {}, generate keys with StateKey(str).".format(statekey), stacklevel=2) return statekey
def __getitem__(self, key): return super().__getitem__(self.get_key(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, val): super().__setitem__(self.get_key(key), val) def __delitem__(self, val): super().__delitem__(val) def __contains__(self, o: object) -> bool: return super().__contains__(self.get_key(o))
[docs] def update(self, d): new_dict = {} for key in d: new_dict[self.get_key(key)] = d[key] super().update(new_dict)
#: The torchbearer version VERSION = state_key('torchbearer_version') #: The PyTorch module / model that will be trained MODEL = state_key('model') #: The criterion to use when model fitting CRITERION = state_key('criterion') #: The optimizer to use when model fitting OPTIMIZER = state_key('optimizer') #: The device currently in use by the :class:`.Trial` and PyTorch model DEVICE = state_key('device') #: The data type of tensors in use by the model, match this to avoid type issues DATA_TYPE = state_key('dtype') #: The list of metrics in use by the :class:`.Trial` METRIC_LIST = state_key('metric_list') #: The metric dict from the current batch of data METRICS = state_key('metrics') #: A self refrence to the Trial object for persistence etc. SELF = state_key('self') #: The current epoch number EPOCH = state_key('epoch') #: The total number of epochs to run for MAX_EPOCHS = state_key('max_epochs') #: The string name of the current data DATA = state_key('data') #: The current data generator (DataLoader) GENERATOR = state_key('generator') #: The current iterator ITERATOR = state_key('iterator') #: The current number of steps per epoch STEPS = state_key('steps') #: The train data generator in the Trial object TRAIN_GENERATOR = state_key('train_generator') #: The number of train steps to take TRAIN_STEPS = state_key('train_steps') #: The flag representing train data TRAIN_DATA = state_key('train_data') #: The validation data generator in the Trial object VALIDATION_GENERATOR = state_key('validation_generator') #: The number of validation steps to take VALIDATION_STEPS = state_key('validation_steps') #: The flag representing validation data VALIDATION_DATA = state_key('validation_data') #: The test data generator in the Trial object TEST_GENERATOR = state_key('test_generator') #: The number of test steps to take TEST_STEPS = state_key('test_steps') #: The flag representing test data TEST_DATA = state_key('test_data') #: A flag that can be set to true to stop the current fit call STOP_TRAINING = state_key('stop_training') #: The current batch of ground truth data Y_TRUE = state_key('y_true') #: The current batch of predictions Y_PRED = state_key('y_pred') #: The current batch of inputs X = state_key('x') #: The sampler which loads data from the generator onto the correct device SAMPLER = state_key('sampler') #: The current value for the loss LOSS = state_key('loss') #: The key which maps to the predictions over the dataset when calling predict FINAL_PREDICTIONS = state_key('final_predictions') #: The current batch number BATCH = state_key('t') #: The timings keys used by the timer callback TIMINGS = state_key('timings') #: The :class:`.CallbackList` object which is called by the Trial CALLBACK_LIST = state_key('callback_list') #: The history list of the Trial instance HISTORY = state_key('history') #: The optional arguments which should be passed to the backward call BACKWARD_ARGS = state_key('backward_args') # Legacy VALIDATION_ITERATOR = 'validation_iterator' TRAIN_ITERATOR = 'train_iterator'