Source code for torchbearer.state


[docs]def state_key(key): """Computes and returns a non-conflicting key for the state dictionary when given a seed key :param key: The seed key - basis for new state key :type key: String :return: New state key :rtype: String """ if key in STATE_KEYS: count = 1 my_key = key + '_' + str(count) while my_key in STATE_KEYS: count += 1 my_key = key + '_' + str(count) key = my_key STATE_KEYS.append(key) return key
MODEL = state_key('model') CRITERION = state_key('criterion') OPTIMIZER = state_key('optimizer') DEVICE = state_key('device') DATA_TYPE = state_key('dtype') METRIC_LIST = state_key('metric_list') METRICS = state_key('metrics') SELF = state_key('self') EPOCH = state_key('epoch') MAX_EPOCHS = state_key('max_epochs') TRAIN_STEPS = state_key('train_steps') GENERATOR = state_key('generator') TRAIN_ITERATOR = state_key('train_iterator') VALIDATION_ITERATOR = state_key('validation_iterator') VALIDATION_GENERATOR = state_key('validation_generator') VALIDATION_STEPS = state_key('validation_steps') STOP_TRAINING = state_key('stop_training') Y_TRUE = state_key('y_true') Y_PRED = state_key('y_pred') X = state_key('x') LOSS = state_key('loss') FINAL_PREDICTIONS = state_key('final_predictions') BATCH = state_key('t') TIMINGS = state_key('timings') CALLBACK_LIST = state_key('callback_list')